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To Serve & Protect, With Respect

Sheriff Patch

New Brunswick Sheriff's Services

The New Brunswick Sheriff's Services is a essential role to New Brunswick's Justice system. Their tasks include security at the court, executing court orders, as well as assisting in choosing jury members.
Sometimes they will be called upon to respond to emergencies. Sheriff Officers work alongside Court staff to ensure court proceedings run as smoothly as possible. The New Brunswick Sheriff services staffs eight regional offices in New Brunswick.

In a GWNRP capacity, the New Brunswick Sheriff's Services is a certification available to anyone in the RCMP or SJPF either as a full time Constable or Reserve Member.

Once someone is charged with a offence, the person will be given a court date and time in which the individual can choose to go to court to fight the charge if they wish. 

Please note, this is NOT a department in which anyone can join. It is a specialty certification within the RCMP and SJPF for members to utilize in certain scenario nights.


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